Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Orange for Beauty and Health

 Hi……This is the season of oranges. Now a days you all may encounter the orange sellers everywhere around. Now oranges cost almost 30 Rs/ kg. Let us dip in the goodness of this wonderful fruit.
I don’t know how many of you know that oranges works best as:

    Cleanser
    Toner
    Astringent
    Moisturizer 
    Vitalizer

• Orange juice is very helpful in boosting the immune system, due to the high percentage of Vitamin C.

Orange juice contains alpha hydroxy acids, and just the right type for your skin. Even the most fragile skins are safe with most fruit juices, apart from lemon and lime. Still, you can use them diluted.

• Due to its alkaline effect on our digestive system, orange helps to stimulate the digestive juices and thus gets rid of constipation.

The anti-oxidant present in orange helps to protect the skin from free radical damage.

• It also reduces the risk of heart diseases due to the presence of flavonoids in it.

• Formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney can also be prevented by drinking a glass of orange juice daily.

• Daily intake of orange juice may help lower both cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels.

• Risk of peptic ulcers can be reduced by consuming a vitamin C rich food like orange.
• The high antioxidant content in orange helps to prevent various forms of cancer, including breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Feel cheated? Come! Let us together write honest reviews on the beauty products that we use or have used so far!.

Dear Friends,

Now a days a lot of beauty products confuses us in a super market, malls or elsewhere. To buy or not buy  is our turn (Risk it or not). We find some products amazingly nice while some are terrible and horrible. I would like to make this a wonderful platform for all of us to have a honest review of the products we have used personally, to help others before buying the stuff from supermarkets. You may find other sites dedicated to such products, but we Keralites love to hear it from our neighbors. What is good for an American may not work for an Indian. Reviews of products from Mumbai , Hyderabad, Delhi, etc....may not be suitable for those who lives in Kerala with entirely different climatic conditions.

You may also review  and discuss on natural and traditional beauty mantras that worked for you, which are acquired from our older generations. You may add photographs you wish to include......Natural methods to increase the quality of Hair and Skin,  a successful weight loss review  may all  be discussed in detail under this umbrella................

Common Friends we shall all unite and walk hand in hand...........................

'A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty'. Rudyard Kipling

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